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  • Music from Light

    Music From Light

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Music from Light

“Music from Light” brings a new vision to spectroscopy, presenting new methods for the integration of spectroscopy with art. We have learned how to transform light into music. Now, we can compose the authentic music of the spheres thanks to a simple spectroscope, a diffraction grating with which we can decompose the light of any star captured in our observatory. We will present our own version of the sound of light coming from the bodies of the solar system, including the Earth, and from far beyond…

How does the sky sound? Uniting science with art, our compositions are not based on music inspired by the stars, but on music extracted directly from the stars, planets, comets, eclipses…

Hierospháneia experiments by merging art and science, especially through music. Here you can find our projects and other items.

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+34 626 229 549